Even when my heart hurts, don't cry...
Even when I want to die, don't die...
If he want to leave, let him go...
Even if I want to hold on to him, don't.
Farewells are like this, at first it really, really hurts,
The sky is falling and everything else crashes, it's all chaos,
At times I can't sleep because I am mad,
And sometimes I can't sleep because I miss you so much,
And then it all starts to fade after that.
Don't act foolish, why I'm so weak?
The race has ended, but why I'm still running?
Do I really think that will make the other person feel guilty?
Isn't it better to move on and live?
Even when I know that farewell comes after love,
It is really hard to take it in,
Even when the lights turned off, this stupid love doesn't cool down.
But did you still love me? Genuinely love me?
Stop trying to know, who am I acting so foolish?
The moment I turn around they are just another person I don't know...
That is the cold true relationship between a guy and a girl.
Even when it feels like I am going to die at the moment,
Love is easy to forget,
If I must compare, it's like the candy stuck in my throat,
At first it's sweet, but when you accidentally swallow it,
It hurts as if your heart is all clogged up
This isn't the end, just the beginning,
Let's just rest a for a bit and make room for the new person to come in,
Because two minus one isn't zero it's one...
I have to keep enduring, I need to live somehow,
Don't hate anyone, don't even act foolish.
Because LOVE easy to forget.